Saturday 29 October 2011

Brie and Tomato Home-made Gourmet Paninis!

The University of Nottingham's Library Cafe sells hot panini's for just under £3...thats right £3!!! What student in their right mind has £3 to spend on lunch?! Thats's before even factoring in a drink!

That's why...I decided to invest in my own panini baguettes.

My boyfriend's sister's husband...(I may eventually be able to say brother in law?), as far as I am concerned is the panini king, and he inspired me to start making my own (Thanks Russ :D)

So, I nipped to the shops this weekend to stock up on ingredients so that I could eat gourmet sandwhiches allonsgide all the rich students in the library knowing that my panini cost half the price!

One of these delicious sandwhiches will set you back just 93p!

Pricing based on Tesco's Economy range unless otherwise specified:

Panini baguette 40p (only 25p if you buy as part of a 4 for £1 offer!), 1/2 a beef tomato 20p, 1/3 a block of economy brie 33p
Total = 93p!

All you need to do is slice your panini in half, fill it with delicious cheese and tomato of your choice and put in a dry frying pan for 3mins either side! (Or until the baguette is toasted and the cheese is all melty!) You could also put in some ham, or crandberry sauce to go with the brie!!! Pannini, Tomato, Brie, Sandwich, Snack


  1. The panini king is chuffed with his mention! ;)

  2. Haha good I'm glad :P that panini he made me last week was out of this world...probs not the healthiest thing though, but I'll let him off :)



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